Fellowship & Coffee Time following Worship Service.
A weekly Sermon is available in text and audio formats. Click here >>
Welcome to Plymouth Presbyterian
We are a fellowship of Christians seeking to grow spiritually and be a family of faith. We welcome a variety of views, value independent thinking, and are called to reach out and serve each other, our communities, and God's world.
2615 Sykes Road • St. Helens, OR 97051 | (503) 397-0062
Open hearts, open minds, in a family of faith.
News & Upcoming Events
Check out our monthly calendar and our annual events calendar for additional upcoming events
Our Mission
Open Hearts, Open Minds, in a Family of Faith
Worship With Us
Worship Service 10:30 am.
Masks are required.
Click on Sermons for a text and/or audio copy of the weekly sermon .
2615 Sykes Road
St Helens OR 97051
Fun and casual for
all ages and families
Seek the kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need.
Matthew 6:33