May we pray for you?
Plymouth Presbyterian Church is a caring family of faith that believes in the power of prayer and supporting our friends and neighbors. We have a group of dedicated people who will lift you up in prayer. You may make your prayer requests known during worship, or by contacting the church office.
Prayer Chain
If you would like to request a prayer be added to the prayer chain, contact your Deacon or Deacon Chair, Zelda Anderson
Open hearts, open minds in a family of faith.
Loving God, In the midst of all the changes of life, your love never changes.
Hear our prayers O God.
Give us a strong will, and a tender heart.
Help us to trust you with everything that concerns us.
Help us to know that you want the very best for us.
We pray for the very highest good for each person who finds this prayer.
In the name of Christ,
Loving God, In the midst of all the changes of life, your love never changes.
Hear our prayers O God.
Give us a strong will, and a tender heart.
Help us to trust you with everything that concerns us.
Help us to know that you want the very best for us.
We pray for the very highest good for each person who finds this prayer.
In the name of Christ,