January 2024

  • Boxing Day Jan 7
  • Annual Congregational Meeting, Sun. Jan. 28, following worship service
  • Session Jan 10 @ 6:15pm

February 2024

  • Souper Bowl of Caring - Feb 11
  •  Ash Wednesday:  Feb 14
  •  Lent: Feb 14-Mar 28
  • Session Feb 14 @ 6:15

March 2024

  • World Day of Prayer-Mar 1
    (WDP always the 1st Friday in March)
  • OGHS Offering: Feb 14 - Mar 31
  • Lent: Feb 14- Mar 28
  • Maundy Thursday - Mar 28
  • Good Friday - Mar 29
  • Easter- Mar 31
  • Session Feb 14 @ 6:15pm

April 2024

  • Pentecost offering: Apr 1 - May 19
  • Spring Arts & Crafts Fair: Apr 13
  • OGH offering: Feb 14 - Mar 31
  • Blgd. & Grds. Inside work party: tba

May 2024

  • Mother’s Day: May 12
  • Pentecost Sunday
  • Pentecost Offering: April 1 -May 19
  • Session - May 8@6:15pm

June 2024

  • Father’s Day: Jun 16
  • Session Jun 12 @ 6:15

July 2024

  • Community Event: tba
  • NO Session in July

August 2024

  • Annual Church Camping trip
  • Rummage Sale Aug 9-10 @ 9am - 3pm
  • Session Aug 14@6:15pm

September 2024

  • Peace & Global Witness offering: Sept 8 -Oct 6
  • Bldg & Grds work party: tba
  • Session: Sept 11@6:15pm

October 2024

  • World Communion- Oct 6
  • Peace & Global Witness Offering: Sept 8 - Oct 6
  • UCIS Insurance Committee Review
  • Session Oct 9@6:15pm

November 2024

  • Christmas Bazaar Nov 23, 2024
  • Thanksgiving Nov 28
  • Session - Nov 13@6:15am

December 2024

    • Christmas Party: tba
    • Christmas Eve Service
    • Christmas Joy Offering: Dec 1 - 22
    • Session Dec 11@6:15pm