Ways we give give back to our community.
Habitat for Humanity Update
Habitat for Humanity has broken ground on the house that is being built for Vernonia resident Cheri Storm and her family on 6th Avenue. “I’m so very grateful for all that everyone is doing… Thank you so very much.”
In September we raised $528 for our drive to help Habitat Maui rebuild the ten homes lost in the Hawaii fire. We have since sent Habitat Maui $2500 by rounding up the matched donations that we promised to send to them. They have a long road ahead and we are proud to join their effort.
We honor Rosalynn Carter this month. While many people associate President Carter with Habitat, Mrs. Carter was just as much of a Habitat hero. She believed deeply in our mission and many times became very emotional when she talked about the families with whom the couple had worked.
President and Mrs. Carter celebrated their 40th wedding anniversary on a build site in Chicago; they camped out with volunteers in locations around the world; and they did countless interviews and appearances — many of them as part of long build days — to raise awareness about the need for adequate and affordable shelter. We feel a great loss today, but we are comforted by the knowledge that Mrs. Carter’s legacy will live on through the people she touched and the example she set.
Angela Carlson, Administrative Assistant
Columbia County Habitat for Humanity
We are excited about our new service and mission project helping build a house! As we begin you have the chance to meet others who are involved, see the site of the house, and join in prayer for this new adventure.
Sunday, September 29 from 1:30-2:15 pm will be the “kick-off” at the Project site at 7th and Plymouth St. (497 S. 7th). Plan on coming to see what’s happening.
Keep an eye out in the local paper for the photo and article featuring the Habitat project and the pastors breaking ground with the golden shovel.
"5 Church Partnership in Faith Build" Construction updates
Check out these Newspaper articles:
THE CHRONICLE NEWSPAPER 9/29/19: Churches partner for Habitat for HumanityCHANNEL 8 NEWS COVERAGE 9/29/19: Churches, Habitat for Humanity break ground on St. Helens homes Habitat for Humanity Facebook
Columbia County Habitat for Humanity Website
"5 Church Partnership in Faith Build" CONSTRUCTION UPDATES
Habitat for Humanity does more than build homes. They also build ramps for disabled seniors with fixed and/or low income.
Habitat for Humanity provides a free handicapped ramp program for qualified disabled, low-income and fixed income seniors. The materials and funding used to build the ramp are donated and volunteers help with building it.
The Plymouth Presbyterian Church Deacons have pledged to assist The Columbia County Habitat for Humanity, Ramp building project.
Volunteer Support: to help in the construction of ramps, contact Gina, Peacemaking & Mission Chair.
Financial Support:
Mail checks to Plymouth Presbyterian Church
2615 Sykes Road
St Helens, Oregon 97051
Attn: Carol, Finance Secretary
Payable to Plymouth Presbyterian
with a memo: Deacon’s Fund/Habitat Ramp
You will receive a tax receipt for your contribution.
Your community & church thanks you.
2021-2022 Project: as of Dec 2021
496 South 8th Street, St Helens, OR.Working days: Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday 9am-2pm
No need to sign up in advance, just show up!
What to bring: personal hand tools (optional)
bottled water will be available, please feel free to bring anything else you might need.
Contact Habitat for most current information.
Our church supports this organization with financial contributions
The Amani Center is a non-profit organization established in October of 2000 for the purposes of developing and operating a community-based center where alleged child victims of sexual abuse, physical abuse, neglect, and/or Domestic Violence/Witnessing Violent Crime, receive forensic/medical evaluations and support services in a child-friendly setting.
Each year our congregation buys non-perishable items for Boxing Day. We fill large plastic totes with the items from the attached list and take them to Community Action Team (CAT) at the end of the year.. They give them to people who are getting their first permanent housing. Many of these folks are struggling to make it, so the gift of these totes gives them just a little boost. You can buy the items that are on the list and arrange to drop them off at the church, or you can donate money and signify that it is to be used for Boxing Day Thank you for your continued support of this local mission. This is the work of the church. Thanks be to God!!
Boxing Day Success We filled 20 totes after church on January 1, 2023. Thanks to all who helped fill the totes and thank you to all who donated toward this project. A special thanks to Adrienne Schilling and Gina Harrington who organized the projectHelping Our neighbors in need with dignity, respect and hospitality.
After a three-year shut down. Community ls has cautiously begun to serve meals again on Tuesday evenings at First Lutheran Church in St, Helens We started by serving the meals “to go.”
Now we want to bring our wonderful meals inside the dining hall. We need your help. For
a list of jobs we need to fill, please see the flyer posted in the church.
All volunteers are welcome to help themselves to a meal. Please invite your families to dine, also!
Call or text or email with any questions.
- Kathy Bauska, Phone 503-438-0323 or email: kathybauska@comcast.net
- Cathy Bowcock, Ph: 503-369-9985 or email: Cbowcock7@gmail.com Phone 503-369-9985 or email:Cbowcock7@gmail.com
Community Meals is an all-volunteer group of individuals. It has been operating as a benevolent kitchen at First Lutheran Church in St. Helens since June, 2009. It is a member agency of the Columbia Pacific Food Bank and the first of its kind for Columbia County, serving hot nutritious meals every Tuesday and Thursday prepared with the resources from the local Food Bank. Community Meals has a restaurant license with the County Health Department and has received all perfect scores from inspections.
Plymouth Presbyterian Church Supports this organization through volunteers and donations of butter and funding. We sponsor a "Butter Shower" on a regular basis to collect butter for the cause. If you would like to volunteer to work at Community Meals with the Plymouth Volunteers or if you would like to make a donation contact Gina Harrington.
Serving meals: Tuesdays and Thursdays year-round
Want to help with Community Meals? Call or text
Kathy Bauska, Phone 503-438-0323 or email:
Cathy Bowcock, Phone 503-369-9985 or
email Cbowcock7@gmail.com
Helping Our neighbors in need with dignity, respect and hospitality.
After a three-year shut down. Community ls has cautiously begun to serve meals again on Tuesday evenings at First Lutheran Church in St, Helens We started by serving the meals “to go.”
Now we want to bring our wonderful meals inside the dining hall. We need your help. For
a list of jobs we need to fill, please see the flyer posted in the church.
All volunteers are welcome to help themselves to a meal. Please invite your families to dine, also!
Call or text or email with any questions.
- Kathy Bauska, Phone 503-438-0323 or email: kathybauska@comcast.net
- Cathy Bowcock, Ph: 503-369-9985 or email: Cbowcock7@gmail.com Phone 503-369-9985 or email:Cbowcock7@gmail.com
Community Meals is an all-volunteer group of individuals. It has been operating as a benevolent kitchen at First Lutheran Church in St. Helens since June, 2009. It is a member agency of the Columbia Pacific Food Bank and the first of its kind for Columbia County, serving hot nutritious meals every Tuesday and Thursday prepared with the resources from the local Food Bank. Community Meals has a restaurant license with the County Health Department and has received all perfect scores from inspections.
Plymouth Presbyterian Church Supports this organization through volunteers and donations of butter and funding. We sponsor a "Butter Shower" on a regular basis to collect butter for the cause. If you would like to volunteer to work at Community Meals with the Plymouth Volunteers or if you would like to make a donation contact Gina Harrington.
Serving meals: Tuesdays and Thursdays year-round
A Butter shower is held periodically throughout the year to collect butter for Community Meals. However, you may donate butter at any time.
Place your butter in the PPC refrigerator; Kathleen will first count it then transfer it to the Community Meals Freezer for pick up.
Thank you for your donations to this good cause.
Contact Kathleen Dinwiddie for more information.
Since 2017, Fostering Love Kits has provided comfort in the form of a backpack of essential items for a child who comes into foster care with perhaps only a few of their precious belongings.
Makindu Children’s Program (the Program) provides resources to feed, educate, and care for orphaned and vulnerable children in eastern Kenya so they can grow and thrive.
Headquartered in Eugene, Oregon, Makindu Children’s Program is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization that supports a day resource facility called Makindu Children’s Centre (the Center) in a rural region of eastern Kenya. Hundreds of children come to the Center regularly for food, recreation, bathing and laundry facilities, emotional support, crisis intervention, and playtime with other kids.
Columbia County Warming Center Facebook
Columbia Pacific Food Bank
Plymouth Presbyterian church, earth stewardship. Among the recycle programs we participate in is Plymouth Presbyterian Church NexTrex program. We collect produce bags store bags, ice bags, ziploc & other reclosable gags, cereal box liners, case overwrap, bread bags, newspaper sleeves, dry cleaning bags, bubble wrap, & plastic e-commerce mailers. (the soft plastic bags). They are delivered to Trex Recycling and in return we receive a bench for the church upon reaching a certain poundage presented. It takes garbage out of the landfill and provides seating for our church landscape.
The Souper Bowl of Caring began in 1990 with a simple prayer said by Reverend Brad Smith at Spring Valley Presbyterian Church in Columbia, South Carolina:
Lord, even as we enjoy the Super Bowl football game, help us be mindful of those who are without a bowl of soup to eat.
22 churches raised $5,700 in the first year. The number of groups involved has steadily grown each year, and so has the amount raised and put back into the communities. As the Souper Bowl of Caring programs have grown over the years to cover more than one annual event, the name and logo changed to reflect the growth.[4] The name currently used is Tackle Hunger: Home of the Souper Bowl of Caring or shortened to Tackle Hunger.
2024 - $273.28 and a generous contribution of canned food was presented to the Columbia Pacific Food Bank
Stewardship is accomplished in many ways...
1. Monetary giving. Place your gift in the collections basket or contact Carol Jones. Be sure to indicate your preference as to how you want the donation applied.
2. Sweep the sidewalk before Sunday Morning Church
3. Open the Blinds before Sunday Morning Church
4. Mowing - trim work
5. Wash windows
6. Weed flower beds
7. Volunteer as Lay Leader
8. Volunteer to host or help host Coffee Hour
9. Volunteer on a work project, See Blg. & Grounds Chair, Roger Liefeld, for more information.
10. Help on a committee - click on "Session page" in the navigation bar find a committee.
A big thank you to all those who give so often and so much!
Stewardship is accomplished in many ways...
Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library is dedicated to inspiring a love of reading by gifting books free of charge to children from birth to age five, through funding shared by Dolly Parton and local community partners in the United States, United Kingdom, Canada, Australia and Republic of Ireland. Inspired by her father’s inability to read and write Dolly started her Imagination Library in 1995 for the children within her home county. Today, her program spans five countries and gifts over 1 million free books each month to children around the world. To donate to this program make check payable to PPC. In the note indicate it is for the Dolly Parton Library.
A big thank you to all those who give so often and so much!
Random Act of Kindness...
“Wherever there is a human being there is an opportunity for kindness.” Seneca (from the book “Random Acts of Kindness”) The women of Priscilla Circle are performing their last act of kindness as we come to a close and go on temporary hold. Every year we donate sleepwear, underwear and socks to the DHS children. It is always accepted as a welcome gift by the people who keep these items on their shelves, ready to use for the children who find themselves in unpleasant situations. This year we were able to purchase 17 sleepwear, 46 underwear and 50 pair of socks. They will be delivered before the end of November. Thank you to everyone who contributed money to this cause. The Makindu mission will be ongoing. Any donations may be put in the offering collection. Please mark for “Makindu” and it will be noted on your tithing record. Thank you everyone who has supported Priscilla Circle for so many years. Continue on with your thoughtful “Acts of Kindness!