Session Commissions
Session (Governing Body)
The Presbyterian Church takes its name from the New Testament Greek word for "Elder": presbuteros. It describes the way the church is governed, with oversight resting on elected bodies at the congregational, regional and national levels.
The governing group in each congregation is called the Session, a body made up of men and women known as "Elders" who have been "set apart" by election and ordination into a supervisory role. The Session meets monthly to conduct the business of the church. "Teaching Elders" are the name for installed pastors in a congregation. They are also members of the Session with equal rights to the other Elders.
Lay Elders generally serve for staggered three-year terms, with a third of the Session elected each year. Ordination is a for life designation.
(click on Commission title for information about the committee)
Buildings and Grounds Commission
- Chair Person: Mark Dinwiddie ('27)
- Members: Roger Liefeld, Ken Anderson, Mark Dinwiddie, Zelda Anderson, Jill Turner, Adrienne Schilling, Kathleen Dinwiddie, and the Volunteers dedicated to maintaining the Church and grounds.
Clerk of Session
- Clerk: Helen Purkerson
- Vice Clerk: Marilyn Brinster
Christian Education / A sub-committee of Worship & Nurture
Christian Nurturing
- Chair Person: Doris Perry ('25)
- Members: Adrienne Schilling, Gina Harrington, Kathleen Dinwiddie
Finance/Stewardship Commission
- Chair Person: Sharon Fraser ('25)
- Members: Jill Turner, Treasurer; Carol Jones, Secretary; Kathleen Dinwiddie & Helen Purkerson
Membership and Outreach
- Chair Person: Linda Liefeld ('24)
- Committee Members: Linda Liefeld, Zelda Anderson, Kathleen Dinwiddie, Karen Roldan, Gina Harrington, & Becky Frazier
Mission & Peacemaking Commission
- Chair Person: Gina Harrington ('27)
- Committee Members: Pat Berger & Kathleen Dinwiddie
Personnel & Administration
- Chair Person: Candy Cole ('27)
- Committee Members: Kathleen Dinwiddie
Music, Worship and Nurture Commission
- Commission Chair Person: Doris Perry ('25)
- Members: Adrienne Schilling, Gina Harrington & Doris Perry