January 2023 Meditation

A new year is upon us. Can you believe it? 2023.

It’s a great time to look forward and think about the future. What do we hope will come out of this new year? I am hoping for a closer walk with God, time with family and friends, and for Plymouth Presbyterian Church to continue its important ministry in the local area and beyond.

Boxing Day at Plymouth is scheduled for January 1st. This will be my first one; I’m excited to see how this works.

Christmas Eve 2022 did not go the way we had planned. A few of us were ill and the weather was unpleasant, so we didn’t have the Christmas Eve Service. This was so disappointing, but it is not too late to gather and sing Silent Night by candlelight. The Worship Commission is hoping to gather on January 6th, Epiphany, for an evening service. Stay tuned for more details!

On January 8th, we will celebrate communion and we will celebrate Epiphany in worship. Did you know that Epiphany for centuries was the biggest Christian holiday? It is the day we remember that the Magi and therefore the whole world honored the birth of Jesus the Christ. It will be a special celebration worship. After worship we will go to Avamere for our monthly service. We plan to hold the Avamere service on the first Sunday of the month for the rest of the year.

I will be on vacation in Disney World with my mother and sisters January 20-25. We will let you know who to call during that time. I continue to be grateful for Rev. Patricia Berger’s ministry among us.

On January 29th will be the Annual Congregational Meeting. There is much to celebrate and much to look forward to.

I want to share with you my plans for a devotional life this year. I invite you to join me. Both can be purchased through Amazon. If you would like to participate but are financially limited, please let me know, and we will help out. Daily I will be reading from The Upper Room’s book called Disciplines; this book goes through the lectionary texts and has different writers each week share their thoughts. Once a week I plan to read an entry in A Labyrinth Year: Walking the Seasons of the Church by Richard Kautz and walking a local labyrinth. You can also find a finger labyrinth to trace while you think about the passage.

The soil is prepped, and the seeds are ready to grow this year. May God bless you mightily this year!

With love, Pastor Paulette